Hi, Yogis!! We appreciate you all so very much, and we love sharing this practice with you, where we are growing and evolving together🧘❤️
To make sure that you have the experience expected, please stay familiar with our studio policies:
🤍We always encourage students to sign up in advance. Not only reserve your spot, but also let us know that you are coming.
🤍If no one is signed up for class 1 hour prior to the start time, we do cancel class.
🤍We understand that sometimes you may have to cancel, and that’s okay. Our cancellation window is 1 hour. If you cancel prior to an hour before class, your pass will be put back into your account, and there will be no cancellation fee
🤍You can book and cancel your classes all from the website or the mind-body app. Please do not call or email. This will not be honored as a cancellation
🤍Unlimited pass holders and new to the studio passholders may get a cancellation fee for not showing up for classes that they have booked. This fee goes to the teacher for their time and efforts.
🤍If we need to cancel class due to weather or other reasons, we will also cancel within the hour
🤍If you are sick, we ask that you stay home and follow our cancellation policy.
🤍The studio opens 15 - 20 minutes before class so that you can enjoy the room. If the door is locked, we are still preparing the studio for you. Please wait until we unlock the door
🤍Upon entering, utilize our spaces for your belongings and get ready for class, then wait for class to start in the studio to make room for others who are arriving to be greeted by our staff and utilize the areas to prepare for class
🤍For the safety of both our students and their belongings, the door is locked at the start of class.
🤍Please be on time and do not knock if you are late. We do not return passes if you are late. Please familiarize yourself with our location and parking, and give yourself extra time to arrive if you are new.
🤍All purchases are final, and there are no extensions given on any discounted purchases or new to the studio passes
🤍There are no sandy towels or mats in the studio. Failure to comply will result in a $20 service fee
🤍We may take pictures or videos during class. We do try our best to keep peoples faces out of the photos, but if you wish to not be photographed, please let us know.
🤍If you have any questions, concerns, or need extensions on passes, please email Meghan: meghan@hotonbank.com
Thank you for loving HoB and for helping us stay open for many years to come❤️
Additional community class Info:
✨️We are so grateful to be part of your yoga journey. You are just as important to us as everyone else who comes to our studio and we want you to have he best experience
✨️Please understand that we are doing our best to accommodate very popular classes and our policies are not for any reason other than getting you and everyone else into class, with as much ease as possible.
✨️If you really want to get into class, please plan ahead so that you don't have to join the wait list in hopes of getting in.
✨️This is not suggested, but if you join class as a walk-in, you may or may not get in. Classes are almost always full, but occasionally people do not show up. If this is the case, you'll be able to join, but you'll be asked to book your spot in class on your own device
✨️If you choose to join our wait list, there is still a huge possibility that you'll make it into class, so turn on your notifications!
✨️Once you've been added to class from the wait list, our cancelation policy applies to you
✨️You can get email notifications or text notifications. Your settings are your choice, but we suggest checking an hour before class to see if you've gotten in. That's when you'll know for sure.
✨️On top of these tips for joining community classes, please familiarize yourself with all of our studio policies. Our policies are found on our website, or they're listed upon registering.
✨️If you don't get off of the wait list, your pass will go back into your account, and you'l have 2 months to use the pass.
✨️We do not accept email cancellations. Please use the app or the website to cancel your booking
✨️We hope this is helpful, and again, we appreciate each of you 🙏